How A Simple Blood Test Could Add 639 Years Of Life To Ohioans

50 hospitals help screen for Lynch syndrome, which carries very high risks of cancer

A simple blood test and saliva sample can detect Lynch syndrome. The Ohio Colorectal Cancer Prevention Initiative tests tumors and blood samples of all newly-diagnosed colon cancer patients and their family members across the state of Ohio. The study is led by The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute and includes 51 hospitals.
A simple blood test and saliva sample can detect Lynch syndrome. The Ohio Colorectal Cancer Prevention Initiative tests tumors and blood samples of all newly-diagnosed colon cancer patients and their family members across the state of Ohio. The study is led by The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute and includes 51 hospitals.

A simple blood test and saliva sample can detect Lynch syndrome. The Ohio Colorectal Cancer Prevention Initiative tests tumors and blood samples of all newly-diagnosed colon cancer patients and their family members across the state of Ohio. The study is led by The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute and includes 51 hospitals.
A simple blood test and saliva sample can detect Lynch syndrome. The Ohio Colorectal Cancer Prevention Initiative tests tumors and blood samples of all newly-diagnosed colon cancer patients and their family members across the state of Ohio. The study is led by The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute and includes 51 hospitals.

The Ohio Colorectal Cancer Prevention Initiative (OCCPI), led by Heather Hampel, MS, CGC, is a statewide initiative to screen newly diagnosed colorectal cancer (CRC) patients and their biological relatives for Lynch syndrome, a cancer-causing condition that occurs when a person inherits a mutation in one of four genes. Individuals with Lynch syndrome are very likely to develop CRC, uterine, ovarian, stomach or other cancers during their lifetime. The screening effort – made possible through money raised by Pelotonia – will identify family members who may be at risk of developing these cancers so they can take precautionary measures.

Approximately 3 percent of colorectal cancer cases result from Lynch syndrome. Each CRC patient with Lynch syndrome has, on average, three relatives with the syndrome, heightening their risk for CRC and other cancers.

Based in large part on research conducted at the OSUCCC – James from 1999-2008, the Centers for Disease Control’s Evaluation of Genomic Applications in Practice and Prevention working group recommends that all newly diagnosed CRC patients be screened for Lynch syndrome. The OSUCCC – James has done this since 2006 to help reduce morbidity and mortality in colorectal cancer patients and their at-risk relatives, who can also benefit from increased surveillance methods if they too are found to have Lynch syndrome.

The OCCPI includes 50 hospitals throughout Ohio that will implement the Lynch syndrome screening program at their own institutions. They will advise patients and their physicians of the results, offer genetic counseling and make high-risk cancer surveillance recommendations to patients and family members found to have Lynch syndrome.

It is estimated that the OCCPI will save about 639 years of life among Ohioans.

And to prevent ovarian and uterine cancers, women with Lynch syndrome may choose to have a hysterectomy, including removal of their ovaries, once they are finished having children.

More Information

To learn more about study enrollment, call 1-888-329-1654.


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Nancy Rosen and her son, Michael Greene, have Lynch syndrome, an inherited genetic mutation that puts them at an extremely high lifetime risk for cancer, most commonly colorectal cancer. They have regular screenings and blood tests to ensure any developing cancer is detected before it becomes life-threatening.

Heather Hampel, a licensed genetic counselor at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute, is leading a study to test all newly diagnosed colorectal cancer patients and their family members for Lynch syndrome, an inherited genetic mutation that gives carriers a very high risk of developing cancer in their lifetime.

A simple blood test and saliva sample can detect Lynch syndrome. The Ohio Colorectal Cancer Prevention Initiative tests tumors and blood samples of all newly-diagnosed colon cancer patients and their family members across the state of Ohio. The study is led by The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute and includes 51 hospitals.

The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center - Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute

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